Kerala finance minister KN Balagopal on Friday earmarked ₹10 crore for students brought back from war-torn Ukraine in the state budget. The money is meant to facilitate students’ future academic plans. Balagopal tabled the 2022/23 budget in the Assembly on Friday.
He said over 3,000 residents of the southern state, including students, who had been trapped in Ukraine as a result of Russia’s invasion, had been brought back safely.
He also said the state government would provide necessary assistance to recover lost and other valuable documents of students to avoid any hindrance to their education.
Rs 10 Cr earmarked in State Budget to help students who have returned to the state in wake of #RussiaUkraineCrisis, to continue their studies. 3123 people have returned safely through various flights, incl 15 chartered flights amid the crisis: Kerala Finance Minister
(File pic)
— ANI (@ANI) March 11, 2022
“State government to provide necessary assistance to recover lost certificates and other valuable documents to help them continue their education. Special intervention by the central government is required to facilitate the resumption of studies of students who’ve returned home”, the minister was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.
Speaking on the issue of admissions for evacuated students, Balagopal said, “It’s not a simple matter and has to be discussed with central government. We’ve to look into it and something will be decided soon. It’s a serious issue to give seats in colleges, there’re many students”.
Modi Govt. Responsible for the Plight of Indian Students in Ukraine: Siddaramaiah