Farmers March Ahead in Delhi amid Enthusiasm, Chaos and Teargas

Credits: Sumit Mahar

The Tractor Rally began to proceed from the Borders around Delhi into the City in the morning of 26th January. At around 8 am, some barricades in Singhu Border and Chilla were broken to start the Rally. Lakhs of tractors which had assembled around Delhi for the Rally were restricted from movement due to heavy barricading by the Delhi Police. At Chilla, Police have now allowed the march to continue.

Credits: Sumit Mahar

Some groups of farmers have reportedly protested against the route provided by Delhi Police for the Rally, and subsequently have decided to move from different areas. Police has resorted to using tear gas shelling and heavy lathi charge to prevent the crowd from advancing there, which has been especially seen in Mukarba Chowk, Tikri and Singhu Border, Karnal and Ghazipur, ITO with Farmers trying to move further into Akshardham and Central Delhi and Red Fort. A major reason for this confusion is that the number and energy of farmers, workers and activists involved have exceeded the expectations of the Delhi Police as well as of the farmers unions. Farmers can also be seen at many places being welcomed by the Residents of Delhi in support and solidarity. The Samyukta Kisan Morcha, an umbrella of 41 organisations, has made itself clear and by saying that they will continue to follow the routes agreed upon with the Delhi Police. Police has said that if groups farmers continue to protest at undesignated places, the leaders of SKM may be detained.

Also Read: Happy Kisan Republic Day

Credits: Sumit Mahar

In the morning, Kisan Ekta Morcha through its Official Facebook Page had requested the farmers to maintain peace and warned that there may be a possiblity by miscreants and fringe, fake elements to create chaos. Speaking to Gauri Lankesh News at Singhu Border, a farmer involved in the protest said, ‘The Modi Government is not listening to us, but we are not going to give up. We never asked for these laws. The Mazdoor Kisaan Unity is an essential aspect of our protests, and that will teach this autocratic government paid by Ambani-Adani a lesson’.


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July 2024


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