Brazil: Pro-Bolsonaro Supporters Invade Congress and Supreme Court

As crowds swell in the capital, comparisons are being drawn to the Capitol riot in America in 2021


Brasilia: Supporters of former president Jair Bolsonaro breached the National Congress in Brasilia. They broke the blockade carried out by the Military Police and the National Security Force at the Esplanade of the Ministries in Brasilia.

As thousands continue to storm toward the building, current President Lula was taken to ‘safe place’ in Brasilia.

As reported by Telesur the Lula govt has requested federal intervention to disperse pro-Bolsonaro demonstrators.

Brazil protesters smash through National Congress windows. As crowds swell in the capital, comparisons are being drawn to the Capitol riot in America in 2021

Historical Pictures: Trump Supporters Storm Capitol Hill

Brazil’s Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, affirmed this Sunday that “the will of the radical Bolsonaristas who have invaded the National Congress “will not prevail”.

Bolsonarista demonstrators do not accept the electoral result and invaded an area of the Congress. When they were heading towards the Government Palace they were dispersed with tear gas bombs by the police in Brasília.

Minister Dino authorized the use of the National Force in the security of the capital in the face of the threat of violent actions.

The extremists, mostly wearing yellow and green T-shirts and Brazilian flags, also attacked some vehicles of the Legislative Police, which provides security to the Congress.

They also destroyed protection barriers and armed with sticks confronted the agents who tried to contain, without success, the entrance of the demonstrators.

Hundreds of radical Bolsonaristas have been camped in front of the Army Headquarters, in Brasília, since the day after the elections of last October 30, in which Lula defeated Bolsonaro.

Since Lula’s victory in the October 30 runoff election with 50.9% of the valid votes against Bolsonaro’s 49.1%, Bolsonaro’s supporters have gathered outside the Army barracks.

Before the invasion of Congress, Dino made a statement on social networks and said that opponents will have to wait until 2026, when the next presidential elections will be held, just as the current government waited between 2018 and 2022.

Latin American Leaders Reject Anti-democratic Coup in Brazil

Leaders and political organizations of Latin America and the Caribbean repudiated the attacks on democracy perpetrated this Sunday by supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, who invaded the headquarters of the three branches of government in the nation’s capital, Brasilia.

Rulers of several nations condemned the violent acts of a sector of society that does not accept the victory at the polls of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and during this day took over the Planalto Palace (seat of the Executive), the National Congress and the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court.

Press reports indicate that security forces are now taking control of these institutions after they were invaded and vandalized by violent groups encouraged by the extreme right-wing ex-president.


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July 2024


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