Support from all Quarters for poor fruit vender Nabisab after Hindutva goons destroyed his shop

People from all walks of life, activists and politicians have criticised this heinous act and demanded answers from the chief minister.


After the goons of Sri Ram Sene vandalized the stall of poor Nabisab Killedar who was selling watermelons outside Nuggikeri Hanuman temple in Dharwad, not only the support is coming from all quarters for this aged Muslim vendor but the same people are also severely criticizing Sene law breakers for their inhuman act of destroying watermelons of poor vender.

It may be noted that a couple of days ago, the goons of Sene visited the stall of Nabisab and destroyed around five quintals of watermelons which he had kept for selling.

According to Nabisab, he has been selling the fruits outside the temple for the last fifteen years, and never faced any problem from anybody. But goons of Sene who could not tolerate Muslims selling fruits outside the temple, vandalized his shop and threw melons all over the road.

When the video of this hooliganism went viral, people of all faiths expressed their anger over Sene men and extended sympathy for the poor vendor.

Besides criticizing Sene, the people have also taken the ruling BJP government to task for letting the Hindutva goons take law into their hands.

People have wondered how one group of rightwing can do anything and everything in the name of protecting Hindu religion and government acting as mute spectator.

People of various walks of life and activists, even the politicians too have expressed ire for the incident.

Strongly condemning the hooligan act of sene members, Leader of the Opposition in assembly, Siddaramaiah has slammed CM Basavaraj Bommai by asking him to take action against Sene goons if he is still in power as CM.

He said that if it was not possible to do even such a simple act as a CM then he should resign from the post and save the dignity of the chair.

Asserting that such goons have no right to take the name of Lord Ram, he said that CM has completely outsourced his government to Sangh Parivar and hired goons on contract basis.

Stating that CM neither has control over the party nor his own Cabinet, he said that CM thinks that he can save his position by mortgaging the government to Sangh Parivar.

Siddaramaiah said that that is the result of the sins committed by the CM when he said that every action has a reaction to goonda elements of Sangh Parivar.

Responding to the Dharwad incident, Former Chief Minister and JD(S) leader, H. D. Kumaraswamy had called it a disgusting and cowardly act of Sene goons of destroying the shop of a poor man kept outside the famous temple of Dharwad.

“ There is no difference between the blood-shedding terrorists in Kashmir and the destructive forces of Sene who are setting the peace and harmony of the State on fire. It is completely an uncivilized act of wasting the edible food”, he remarked.

He also criticized the Bommai government for giving free hands to goons and  hooligans to rule the roost.

Many people have taken to social media to criticise the incident. Hulikunte Murti has asked all the Dalit activists to join hands to protest against such hooliganism.

Recalling the incident when by wearing blue shawl, hundreds of Dalit activists extended solidarity to Muslims girls who wants to wear Hijab, he said that time has come again to show similar solidity with the poor man, Nabisab.

Chandru Tarahunise another user said that for some people it may look like just a destroyed watermelon, but in reality it is the future of our children which is shattered. He has called upon people of all sections of the society to raise their voice in unity against such inhuman acts.


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July 2024


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