SKM condemns Agriculture Minister insulting comments on Farmers referring to them as crowds

As support for the farmers movement grows nationally and internationally central govt uses repressive measures to control the movement sympathisers


As the farmers’ movement completes 90 days at Delhi borders support for the farmers’ movement also grows. Along with that government efforts to malign the movement and its sympathizers.

Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Agriculture Minister, had insulted the farmers’ movement by saying that ‘laws cannot be repealed by collecting a crowd’. We would like to remind Shri Tomar and others in Government in India that the current protests are a consequence of deep unhappiness and anger that was allowed to build up in farmers’ minds by the government. Today, farmers are getting support pouring in from all sides, nationally and internationally. The protestors are not a crowd, but our annadatas, thanks to whom we are all alive today, including people in the government. The party in power collected votes from this very crowd and this sort of insulting attitude towards our farmers is highly condemnable.

Support for Farmers Movement from South India and State Repression against it

A massive rally and Jan sabha took place in Maktal, Narayanpeta in Telangana state on 21st February against the 3 central farm acts and for a legal guarantee of MSP for all farmers. This was organised by All India Kisan Mazdoor Sabha.

Rahul Gandhi led Tractor Rally In Wayanad in Favour of Protesting Farmers
SKM condemns the police high-handedness in Tamil Nadu where four activists were pulled off Tamil Nadu Express on 21st February night when they boarded the train in Chennai Central to travel to New Delhi to extend their support to the ongoing protests. The activists had to find alternate means to travel to Delhi due to this.

Union Minister’s tactics to lure Khap leaders fail

Samyukt Kisan Morcha congratulates the Khap leaders in several places in Uttar Pradesh for standing in solidarity with the farmers’ movement as they refuse to meet with Union Ministers until they resign from their posts in the Government. Reports from several villages indicate that Shri Sanjeev Baliyan could not meet khap leaders in western UP.

It is clear that the Government is fearful of the ongoing farmers’ agitation. Anyone from other sectors of our society supporting this movement is being targeted and intimidation tactics are being used to attempt to crush such solidarity. This was apparent in the case of Disha Ravi and others. Now, an activist from Rampur in Uttarakhand, Shri Farhat Jamali has been arrested when he arrived at the Ghazipur protest site to lend his support. SKM condemns the arrest of such activists and demands the immediate release of Farhat Jamali and others.

International Support grows for the farmers’ Movement

Even as 87 farm organisations from the United States of America extended their solidarity to the protesting farmers in India and pointed out to American government’s policies (especially at WTO) jeopardising Indian farmers’ livelihoods, there was a tractor rally organised in Australia yesterday in support of the farmers’ movement. The rally which saw participation by Indian diaspora in Australia also had the virtual participation of SKM leaders.


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July 2024


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