Hariharpura Dalit atrocity case: Are Efforts being made to hush up case using rift between Dalit sects?

The upper caste leaders are making efforts to hold talks with leaders of Holeya community to get favorable statements from them.

K R Pete, Karnataka: There is new turn in the Dalit atrocity case in K R Pete, mandy district. After Dalits filed case against 27 persons of upper caste, some influential people of upper caste are trying to use Dalits leaders to get the case withdrawn.

The sources said that the leaders of upper caste are trying to take advantage of the rifts between two sects of Dalit community to hush up the case.

Since the attack has taken place on the Madiga community, the upper caste leaders are making efforts to hold talks with leaders of Holeya community to get favorable statements from them.

The families of victims are denying the report of Dalit leaders holding talks with leaders of upper caste.

“ We are not talking about this issue with any leader of upper caste communities. Those Dalits who are getting lured by upper caste, do not know that the upper caste people will project Dalits as culprits. They are trying to put false charges against the victims in order to close the case”, said some leaders of Madiga community and leader of Holeya who are with the victims of  Hariharpura.

Meanwhile MLA C. S. Puttaraju of Melkote-Pandavapura held a meeting to negotiate with Dalits leaders.

This has also led to speculation as to why the MLA is interfering in the matter instead of getting justice to the Dalit family.

But leaders of Upper Caste claim that the MLA had come to K. R. Pete for some private event. During which time he personally tried to end the dispute.

Meanwhile, Srinivas, one of the leaders of  upper caste claimed that no incident of Dalit atrocity has taken place in Hariharpura village.

“ Some people with vested interest are giving false narrative and spreading rumors to protect some persons of Dalit community who are already facing several criminal charges such as theft, eve teasing, rape etc.

Dalit leader Basti Rangappa who is supported by Dalit Sangharsha Samiti is making false allegations against the youth of upper caste”,  he said.

Meanwhile, Rangappa has said that since it was a matter between a few youths of Dalits and Upper Castes, therefore, it should not be made a caste issue. Culprits of both sides should be punished according to the law, he said.

Meanwhile Rangappa gave the list of Dalit leaders who participated in the meeting of the MLA, but when checked, it was found that none of the family members of the victims were present in the meeting.

The leaders who participated in the meeting were all from Holeya sect while the victims belong to the Madiga sect.

Sanju and Darshan, the victims, say that because of the differences between the two communities, the leaders of upper caste are trying to take advantage of this rift.

Speaking to media persons, Srinivas, one of the accused said that there is no caste discrimination in their village. The dispute did not take place because of caste. Those who were involved in the case are already facing criminal charges.

Meanwhile, the complainants have denied facing any criminal charges. They said that only one among them was charged with thefts, even he was later acquitted.


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July 2024


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