The chief accused in the Lakhimpur Kheri murder case, Ashish Mishra Teni alias Monu has been granted bail yesterday. Samyukt Kisan Morcha(SKM) that has been demanding justice for the murder of farmers in Lakhimpur Kheri has has expressed their anger and shock at the bail order that too just on the first day of UP elections.
The brutal case of four farmers and a journalist being crushed to death in broad daylight by the son of a Union Minister was a trial for the rule of law across the country. In such a case, despite clear evidence, the murder accused getting bail so soon, and that too on the first day of elections in Uttar Pradesh, is a matter of surprise.
SKM has pointed out loopholes in the reasons given by the High Court in the bail order. SKM stated that without any proof, high court has speculated that the driver must have driven the vehicle over the crowd in panic. The comments made by the Court on the agitation without any context are unwarranted. The court granting bail to Ashish Mishra without considering the firm possibility of a politically powerful accused influencing the witnesses is extremely disappointing.
Hope of Fair Investigation in the murder of Farmers Bleak: SKM
Since the Lakhimpur Kheri massacre, the police and administration are constantly trying to protect Ajay Mishra Teni and his son Ashish Mishra. From the very beginning, the Uttar Pradesh Police has been negligent in investigating this case and apprehending the accused, and has tried to dilute the case. The complicity of the police and the government is evident from the fact that section 302 of IPC has not been imposed on accused Ashish Mishra Monu, whereas in the second case, section 302 has been imposed on the accused farmers. It is clear from the order of the High Court that the interest of the prosecution was in getting bail to the minister’s son in this case. This order blurs the hope of fair investigation and justice in this heinous murder case.
Samyukta Kisan Morcha demands that the government should immediately file an appeal against this decision of the High Court. Samyukta Kisan Morcha will cooperate fully with the families of the victims in filing an appeal after taking the opinion of the country’s leading lawyers in this regard. The Morcha appeals to the court of the people of Uttar Pradesh, to punish the Bharatiya Janata Party which is bent on saving the real culprits of this massacre by casting vote against it.