After Modi’s U-turn on 3 farm laws, farmers of Karnataka want govt to repeal APMC, Land Reform (Amendment) Act

Karnataka Farmers organisations want Karnataka govt. to repeal the contentious APMC (Amendment Act) and Land Reform (Amendment Act) in the interest of the farmers.

Aikya Horata held protests for ten days | New Indian Express

The announcement of Prime Minister, Narendra Modi that his government will repeal three farm laws in the coming Parliament Session, has sent a great sense of joy and elation among the farmers’ and pro-farmers’ unions who celebrated the decision as their victory of the prolonged farmers agitation on Friday.

While the farmers’ union are celebrating the victory, at the same time the Karnataka chapter of Samyukta Kisan Morcha has not only said that it is happy for the decision of the Modi government, but also wishes the State Government toe the line of Central Government is repeal the contentious APMC (Amendment Act) and Land Reform (Amendment Act) in the state in the interest of the farmers.

In a release, Samyukta Kisan Karnataka has said that the farmers of the State have been holding protests against the APMC and Land Reforms Act which have been amended by the government.

Stating that these two amendments are against the interest of farmers and only encourage private entities to rule the roost, the government should immediately withdraw.

“When the Modi government has already announced the repeal of three contentious farm laws, then why can’t the State follow the suit and repeal the State’s laws”, the union asked.

Meanwhile the farmers unions have welcomed the decision of the Modi government.

“Certainly, it is the victory of farmers of the country and every person in the world who has supported the protest against the three farms laws. The farmers have got the victory for the longest protest held in the country against any farm law”, the release said.

Expressing happiness over the announcement, the statement however asserted that the Modi government has taken the decision not out of the concern for the farmers but for the fear of losing elections to be held in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.

Welcome repeal of Farm Laws, 700 farmers deaths were avoidable:SKM

“Clearly, the BJP government is worried after losing the West Bengal election and by-elections in Uttarakhand where the party suffered a major setback. The farmers played a critical role in the defeat of the BJP by opposing the party in those elections. Now, the party does not wish to take any chance of losing elections in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab where the farmers’ protest has become intense, so the Modi government decided to repeal the law”, he said.

If the Modi government had real concern for the farmers, then it should have withdrawn the laws long ago.

“Everyone knows how the farmers suffered during the prolonged protest. Over 700 farmers died during the protest. Instead of displaying some concern and sympathy for the farmers, the BJP leaders and a section of media branded the farmers as terrorists, agents of Pakistan and Khalistanis. Every effort was made to suppress the voices and discredit the protest. Cases were filed against the farmers and even they were killed in Lakhimpur of Uttar Pradesh by mowing down them under the speeding vehicle. At that time, neither Modi nor any of his cabinet colleagues showed any concern for the farmers. Now, when the BJP is going for polls in UP and Punjab, Modi announces to withdraw the laws. He however did not say a word on the death of hundreds of farmers”, the release said.

The release however made it clear that the protest will continue till the government not only officially withdraws the laws but also makes Minimum Support Price a law, withdraws all cases filed against the farmers and offers adequate compensation to the farmers who have died during the protest. The Modi government should also withdraw the Electricity Bill Act which aims at privatizing the power sector.


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July 2024


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