Upper Caste man Refuses to Marry Dalit girl, Sets her on Fire

The accused later admitted the girl in the hospital and ran away. The police have booked him under murder and SC/ST atrocity act.


Bengaluru: In yet another case of Dalit atrocity, a man belonging to upper caste has murdered a dalit woman by setting up her on fire in Bengaluru.

According to Electronic City police station where the case has been registered, accused Shivakumar Hirehal was in love with a Dalit girl Daneshwari.

But when the girl wanted him to marry and solemnize the relationship,  the accused refused to marry, instead he set the girl on fire by pouring petrol over her. The accused who is said to belong to Lingayat community is now said to be absconding.

The reports said that both the accused and the victim knew each other when they were studying in one of the Engineering colleges in Bijapur city.

After their education, both settled in Bengaluru. At that time, Shivakumar had promised Daneshwari of marrying her.

When the girl brought the matter of wedding before Shivakumar, he reportedly told her that he will have to first discuss with his parents. The accused reportedly visited Bijapur, after coming back, he told the girl that his family is not ready for the marriage as she belongs to lower caste.

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On March 15, Daneshwari goes to Shivakumar’s office where she insists Shivakumar to marry her. But he allegedly makes casteist remarks and refuses to speak to her.

Later, he takes her to a secluded place and sets her on fire by pouring petrol with the help of his friends, the complaint said.

The accused later admits the girl in the hospital and flees. The police have filed cases of atrocity and murder against the accused.

Altercation had taken place between both of them over the marriage issue. At that time three men suddenly appear from behind and pour petrol over the girl before setting her up on fire. She was later admitted in a private hospital but she succumbed to injuries.

“ We have taken the case and started an investigation. The accused is said to be native of Badami in Bagalkot district. When the police visited his room, we found he was absconding. We are in search of the accused”, said ACP, Ramesh to the media.

The father of the girl, Ashok Sharma has told media persons that they were preparing for the marriage of their daughter. She had told her parents about the relationship with Shivakumar. She was insisting on marrying him. When my daughter asked about marriage, he refused citing caste as the hurdle.

“ My daughter was doing a course to join a company. She was speaking to one of the paying guests in the BTM layout. The incident took place on the night of March 16. I had even transferred money for the treatment of my daughter. The police first said that the girl had immolated, but it was actually done by Shivakumar. It was he who admitted her in the hospital and gave our number to the hospital staff”, he said.


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July 2024


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