Right To Education Activists Release Manifesto Before Karnataka Elections

Their demands included, among others the effective implementation of the Right To Education Act, Mid Day Meals scheme and earmarking 15% of the state budget for education.


Bengaluru: Atleast 29 civil society organisations in Karnataka including the Dalit Sangharsha Samiti(DSS), All India Forum for Right To Education (AIFRTE), Karnataka Janashakti (KJS), Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti (BGVS), Disability rights organisations, Students’, teachers and parents’ association have come together under the banner of People’s Alliance For Right to Education (PAFRE) to demand that all the political parties address concerns regarding educational issues in their manifestos in the run-up to the 2023 Assembly elections.

The organisations are campaigning that the political parties include their demands be included as Guaranteed Promises under the leadership of Dr. Niranjanaradhya VP, Eminent Development Educationist who is also on the Board of Advisors for the All India Forum for Right To Education.

Taking forward the campaign, the civil society groups had organised press conferences in atleast 11 districts demanding school education concerns be addressed.

Their demands included, among others the effective implementation of the Right To Education Act; provision of uniforms, books, bicycles, and other supplies in a timely manner; No schools be closed down or merged; provide Breakfast and eggs for all students alongside the effective implementation of the already existing Ksheera Bhagya and Mid Day Meals scheme and earmarking 15% of the state budget for education.

People’s Alliance for Fundamental Right to Education-PAFRE, is an alliance of people’s
movements working to realize the goal of fundamental right to education. It is a state- wide movement to promote health, nutrition and sensory development in young children, quality health care for all children right from the infants in the womb to the adults up to the age of 18 years, and to promote early childhood opportunities and quality education that complements sustainable human development.

They have also urged the citizenry to vote keeping in mind the theme “Vote for Quality Public Education System”.

PAFRE has also Right To Education Manifesto  and are requesting all political parties to include these demands in their respective manifestos.

The Right to Education manifesto can be downloaded PAFRE Brochure for Election Manifesto -English Version


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July 2024


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