“We did it”: Hindu Raksha Dal claims responsibility for JNU attack

Hindu Rakshak dal leader Bhupendra Tomar alias Pinky Chaudhary in an interview to ANI said that the outfit's workers barged into the JNU campus on Sunday night.

hindu raksha dal

Hindu Raksha Dal, a far-right organisation has taken responsibility for the attack on students and professors in JNU on Sunday.

Hindu Raksha dal leader Bhupendra Tomar alias Pinky Chaudhary in an interview to ANI said that the outfit’s workers barged into the JNU campus on Sunday night.

 Hindu Raksha Dal is a political party based in Ghaziabad, UP. 

He further added-  “ JNU is a hotbed of anti-national activities. We can’t tolerate this. We take full responsibility for the attack in JNU and would like to say that they were our workers”. 

 Tomar, popularly known as Pinki Bhaiya, said he and his Right-wing outfit take full responsibility for the attack. “They live in our country, they eat here, get their education here and then indulge in anti-national activities those involved in that JNU act were all our workers. We are always ready to sacrifice our lives for the country,” he further mentioned.

According to government sources, claims made by Chaudhary are being investigated. To identify masked men who attacked JNU, the Delhi police are taking the help of video footage as well as face recognition systems, sources added.

The JNU Students’ Union, whose leader Aishe Ghosh was seen with blood trickling down her face, has accused the ABVP of leading the night attack. The ABVP has denied the allegation, and in turn, blamed the attack on the Left.

In the flood of video and images emerging from Sunday night’s mob attack, one visual trail appears to link the ABVP to the attack. In one image, a young man identified as Vikas Patel, a member of ABVP’s JNU executive committee, is seen with a group of around a dozen young men armed with lathis.

The violence drew strong reactions from opposition parties that hit out at the BJP and accused “those in power” of trying to scuttle the voice of students.

Home and HRD ministries have sought reports from the Delhi Police and JNU administration, respectively. Home Minister Amit Shah spoke to the Delhi Police chief and enquired about the situation at JNU.

Students all over India have come out on streets in protest to condemn the attack on college campuses and in solidarity with students and faculty at JNU.


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July 2024


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