For Muslims of India, Independence does not mean Freedom

The flag hoisted on the Red Fort is a tricolor, which is not only a symbol of peace and prosperity but also a symbol of various religions living under one sky with peace and prosperity.


India celebrated its 74th Independence Day on Saturday. In these celebrations, while there are some customs that have been followed since the inception of this independent state, a lot has changed when it comes to the people of the nation.

The flag hoisted on the Red Fort is a tricolor, which is not only a symbol of peace and prosperity but also a symbol of various religions living under one sky with peace and prosperity. However, the current political scenario seems opposite to what the custom represents.

The venom of hatred is being spewed by the ruling party, and a nation that should have stood together is dividing apart.

The nation where the religious belief of the political leaders should have been personal has now become a political agenda to gain votes of the majority. The Supreme Court, which was supposed to give decisions based on facts, passed judgments based on beliefs. The biggest example of which is Ayodhya temple’s ‘bhumi pujan’.

The Prime Minister of India addresses an election rally and says that the protesters of the Citizenship Act and NRC can be identified by their clothes, referring to the Muslims. Further, the Citizenship Act that was passed in the Parliament itself shows how India is heading towards the elimination of minorities.

While earlier one could barely find prominent political leaders giving hate speeches, now one uses slangs for minority extermination to gain prominence. Be it the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, or Union Minister Giriraj Singh whose entire election campaign spat venom against the minority rather than speaking about the prosperity of citizens.

While Muslims form 10.5% of the population of India, there are only 27 Lok Sabha members to represent them, which constitutes only 4.42% of the Lower House.

Being a Muslim in a nation that is now driven by strong Majoritarian forces makes them feel left out and they constantly live under the fear of being lynched, called anti-national, etc. Thus though India is celebrating its Independence we are no longer celebrating what Independence actually stands for.


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July 2024


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